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Engineering 387

[이클립스] 플러그인 삭제 / installed plugin uninstall

이클립스를 사용하다보면 필요 없는 플러그인들을 삭제해야 할 경우가 생긴다 안드로이드관련 플러그인들를 깔았다가 더느려졌다 웹개발용과 안드로이드용으로 주로 사용을 하지만. 하나의 툴로 사용하게 되면 많이 느려진다. 따로 플러그인들을 삭제하고 관리해야 하는데. 귀찬은건 사실.. Help > About eclipse 좌측 하단에 Installation Details 삭제하고 싶은 플러그인들을 선택하고 Uninstall

카테고리 없음 2018.09.07

Irregular and uneven ridges and striations on Z-axis throughout print

Irregular and uneven ridges and striations on Z-axis throughout print Z Axis Flexible Couplers :The problem is the famous Z-ribbing. Z coupler moved up and down without being fixed securely. In other words, there are two Z-axis(or 3~4 axe), one is firmly fixed, the other is not fixed, the well-fixed part is surely raised to the Z-axis and the unfixed part is not going up well on the Z- When I go..

Why is Programming languages necessary for mechanical engineers?

I. Programming Q. “How important is programming for mechanical engineers”? I am not saying that learning programming languages is must, because Matlab,Scilab, CATIA etc is famous standard tool and widely used as well. If you chose the technical field or academia I would answer: it is necessarily Recently, you can see on news that new technology. Mechanical have relevance to it(IoT, ICT, VR,AR, A..

카테고리 없음 2018.08.07